The Method
The Really Learn to Read! phonics activity workbooks are designed to teach learners of all ages to read and spell the English language. These dynamic books are divided into two successive series – Short Vowels Books 1-5 followed by Long Vowels Books 1-5. The lessons in each series advance from Grade 1 though Grade 7, and are intentionally arranged in sequence to provide a strong reading foundation and practice with other literacy skills. Upon completion of Book 5 in each series, readers will have mastered decoding skills and sight words, expanded their vocabulary bank, and demonstrated comprehension proficiency. English literacy enhancement skills include spelling accuracy and writing thoughts cohesively. Learners find ease, enjoyment, and success in this interactive systematic reading approach that progressively builds self-confidence in learning and positively instills the motivation to want to read.
The readability levels of all stories in Short Vowels Books 1-5 and Long Vowels Books 1-5 were determined by using the Fry Graph Readability Formula. Edward Fry worked as a Fulbright Scholar in Uganda and also instructed ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers for a few years beginning in 1963. During his early days, Fry developed readability tests based on a graph A Readability Formula That Saves Time [Journal of Reading (1968)]. This graph-based test determined readability through high school; it was validated with materials from primary and secondary schools and with results of other readability formulas.
In 1969, Fry extended the graph to primary levels. In his book Elementary Reading Instruction (1977), Fry extended the graph to test through the college years. Fry advised that an individual’s vocabulary continues to grow during college years, yet the reading ability varies depending on the individual and the subjects taught.
Fry went on to become Director of the Reading Center of Rutgers University and an authority on how people learn to read. Based on many years of testing by researchers and linguists, the Fry Graph has proven to be the most reliable and popular readability graph test. The Formula is based on the number of syllables-per-100 words and the number of sentences-per-100 words. This formula placed the two series of books in the following order:
Short Vowels
* Long u includes a couple of advanced and challenging lessons written for Grade levels 9-12.